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Moldovan wrestler becomes world champion in muay thai for the first time ever

10:37 | 10.06.2024 Category: Sport

Chisinau, 10 June /MOLDPRES/ - Wrestler Artiom Livădari for the first time ever has won the title of world champion in muay thai for seniors.  

The Moldovan sportsman gained four victories at the world championship, held in the Patras city, Greece.    

In the eight finals, Artiom Livădari defeated Italian Nicholas Vasta, and then - Jibril Alim from the United States; in the semi-finals, he defeated Mustafa Al Tekreeti from Iraq. In the final, Livădari defeated a Russian sportsman, Daniil Chyashin, who played under a neutral banner.   

Last year, Artiom Livădari won the golden medal at the Olympic Games in Krakow-Malopolska, Poland.   



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