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Moldovan National Army's servicemen to participate in Peace Shield 2024 exercise

11:45 | 11.06.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 11 June /MOLDPRES/ - The National Army will hold the Peace Shield 2024 multinational exercise on 17-28 June 2024.   

The goal of the exercise is to evaluate the Blue Helmets Battalion 22, in line with the Operational Capabilities Concept (OCC). Thus, the servicemen will be verified by national and international experts as to the fulfilment of actions specific for the international peacekeeping missions, such as: patrol, convoy and escort, searching the vehicles at control points, ensuring the security of strategic objects, medical evacuation, providing the first medical assistance.     

At the same time, the National Army will host the contest of training evaluators, which is aimed at training the military staff as to the procedures and correctness of the carrying out of the evaluation in accordance with OCC.

Thirty seven evaluators from Austria, Azerbaijan, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Columbia, South Korea, France, Georgia, Germany, Jordan, Ireland, Italy, Kazakhstan, Malta, the United Kingdom, Morocco, Romania, Serbia, USA, Tunisia, Turkey and Ukraine will be trained at the aforementioned contest.

The OCC certification is a compulsory condition for the National Army’s participation in peacekeeping missions under the aegis of the United Nation, including KFOR from Kosovo and UNIFIL from Lebanon.    

The National Army joined the OCC programme in 2007.



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