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Moldovan Border Police say people coming from Moscow launch provocations, displays aggressive behavior in arrivals area of Chisinau Airport

14:49 | 11.06.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 11 June /MOLDPRES/ - A group of people, who today morning returned home from Moscow, launched ’’a string of provocations’’ and displayed ‘’an aggressive behavior’’ in the arrival area of the Chisinau International Airport. The General Inspectorate of Border Police (IGPF) made statements to this effect following the incident.   

According to the institution, an official report was compiled for one passenger for aggressive behavior against policemen on duty. ‘’The person is charged with the committing of the hooliganism offence. Also, another three passengers were identified, who will be documented for the disturbance of the public order and will be called to account for the contravention committed,’’ IGPF noted.    

The concerned people would be supporters of Ilan Shor and came back from a meeting in Moscow. This fact was confirmed also by MP Marina Tauber on social network. She said that ’’the citizens were verified at the Airport during several hours.’’  

In the context, the Border Police stressed that ‘’the safety of all passengers is priority and the institution will not tolerate any infringement of their rights.’’ At the same time, IGPF demanded that any passenger ‘’observes the control measures imposed at the crossing of the state border.’’    

Similar incidents were registered at the Chisinau International Airport, when backers of Ilan Shor, who returned from Moscow, showed an aggressive behavior during controls carried out at the entrance into Moldova.  



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