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Moldova exports more than 3.5 million rose cuttings during 2022-2024

16:38 | 11.06.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 11 June /MOLDPRES/ - Moldova exported more than 3,522,000 rose cuttings during 2022-2024. The main export countries are Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia, Turkey, Poland, Romania and Uzbekistan. The National Food Safety Agency (ANSA) today unveiled data to this effect.   

Farmers from the Dobrogea Veche village, northern Sangerei district, are among the most active producers of rose cuttings in Moldova. Economic operators from this settlement in the last three years have managed to export a quantity of over 570,000 cuttings. In the first three months of 2024 alone, about 163,000 rose cuttings were exported from the region.

„The access to new markets represents a significant opportunity for the producers of rose cuttings. The National Food Safety Agency in 2022 got Moldova’s right to export rose cuttings to Uzbekistan too,’’ ANSE noted.  

Moldova in 2022 got the right to export planting material of walnut and apple to the European Union’s market and in 2024 – planting material from the family Prunus L. (plum, cherry, sweet cherry).     



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