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Moldovan government starts procedure of reorganization, optimization of public roads' maintenance system

18:06 | 12.06.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 12 June /MOLDPRES/ - The cabinet of ministers today approved the decision on the reorganization of the state enterprise, State Administration of Roads (ASD), into stock company with fully state-owned capital. This is the first stage of a complex process of reorganization and strengthening of the capacities of the administration of the national roads’ network.    

The enterprise’s reorganization will enhance the efficiency of the use of resources from the road fund and will increase the capacities of absorption of the financial means allocated from external sources. Also, the system of construction, modernization, rehabilitation and periodical maintenance of the national public roads will be improved.   

The next stage of the reorganization implies the consolidation of the state’s shares package at the stock companies specialized in the maintenance of public roads. Subsequently, the absorption of the other ten stock companies acting in the same field will take place.    

The shares of the Stock Company, National Administration of Roads, will be held by the Public Property Agency (APP), which will ensure the reorganization of the enterprise in a period of 3 months after the date of the decision’s entrance into force.     

It is worth mentioning that, in the context of the reform in the field of public property administration, the government has the task to reorganize the state enterprises into other legal forms of organization. Thus, the public policies of administration of state enterprises are aligned with the general norms of corporate governance and of clear-cut establishment of the powers of the founder, of the administrative board and of the manager. 

The state enterprise, State Administration of Roads, was founded in 2002.




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