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Orthodox Christians celebrate Ascension of Lord

10:59 | 13.06.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 13 June /MOLDPRES/ - The Orthodox Christians today celebrate the Ascension of the Lord. This is an important Christian holiday, which commemorates the Ascension to the Heaven of Jesus Christ, 40 days after His Resurrection. On this day, the Christians greet each other with Christ Has Ascended! and He Has Truly Ascended! and religious services are held in churches.        

The Ascension of the Lord is marked on the Thursday on the sixth week after the Easter, on the 40th day following the Resurrection. More settlements of Moldova today celebrate the dedication day.    

Traditional Easter dishes are cooked on Ascension, including cakes and red eggs. This is the last day of the year when red eggs are dyed and distributed. These eggs are carried to churches and are given as alms at the end of the religious services.   

According to Church books, following His Resurrection, Jesus showed Himself to His apostles during 40 days and then ascended to the Heaven in their presence. The significance of the Ascension does not deal with the phenomenon in itself, but is an expression of the glory of Christ in the Heaven. ‘’By defeating the death, Christ started a new lifestyle with God, which He prepared also for His chosen people. The entire human nature takes part in His victory,’’ reads one of the Gospels. In their preaches, priests says that ‘’the spirituality of the Ascension is based on hope.’’      

More traditions and customs are related to the Ascension of the Lord. Thus, in some regions, people take care of the souls of the departed and organize requiems in cemeteries on this day.  



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