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First international conference, Ukraine's Recovery. Role of Moldova, to be held in Chisinau

12:19 | 13.06.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 13 June /MOLDPRES/ - The first international economic conference titled, Ukraine’s Recovery. Role of Moldova, will be held in Chisinau on 21 June.  

The participants in the event will discuss opportunities of investments in Moldova and the process of Ukraine’s recovery, the role of the bilateral relations between Moldova and Ukraine, the basic niches for investments in Ukraine and the economic situation in the neighbour country.  

The conference will be organized by the Moldova-China Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Italian-Moldovan Chamber of Commerce, the France-Moldova Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Association of Investors from Romania.  

Structures from Ukraine were invited for the good holding of the Conference: Embassy of Ukraine in Chisinau, Ukrainian Association of Renewable Energy Sources, Confederation of Constructors from Ukraine, UkraineInvest, Ukrainian-Chinese Business Council, Association for Development and Reconstruction of Regions from Ukraine and the Three Seas Initiative (union of 13 European Union member states from the Central and Eastern Europe and two partner countries: Ukraine (as of 2022) and Moldova (starting from 2023). Also, more institutions from Moldova were invited: Economic Development and Digitalization Ministry, Investments Agency, Embassy of Moldova in Ukraine, etc.    

„Through the organization of this conference, the joint commitment for the corporate social responsibility and for the contribution to the promotion of the sustainable economic and social development in the region is to be proved. Such an event is to be subsequently organized in Romania, Italy and France,’’ reads a press release submitted to mass media.    

According to the organizers, the international economic conference, Ukraine’s Recovery. Role of Moldova, will represent an important step for the attraction of investments in Moldova and Ukraine, especially in the context of the process of Ukraine’s recovery.


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