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Thirteen Moldovan settlements remain partially disconnected from power supply

12:49 | 13.06.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 13 June /MOLDPRES/ - A number of 13 settlements from the central Orhei district remain partially disconnected from power supply in the wake of the storm from 11 June.  

According to the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations (IGSU), more settlements from southern, central and northern Moldova were hit.

„In the southern Cantemir, Capaclia settlement, about 27 slate sheets and about 90 square metres of metal tile from the roofs of two households were pulled out. At the same time, in the central Ialoveni district, the strong wind deteriorated about 224 square metres of slate sheets from the roof of an apartment block and in the Orhei city, the roof of a lyceum from was pulled out on an area of 450 square metres. Also here, the wind pulled out about 86 slate sheets and deteriorated 65 sun tubes of the thermal energy system. In the wake of the heavy precipitation, the roofs of over 300 households from more settlements of the Orhei districts were affected,’’ IGSU noted.    

Also, the bad weather hit segments of local roads in the central Nisporeni town and the Varzaresti village, the same district, where about 1,200 metres of road with gravel was hit. At the same time, about 5,000 metres of road was affected in the Pepeni village, Sangerei district.    

More crops and orchards were hit in the wake of the torrential rains. Thus, 252 hectares of sunflower, 55 hectares of maize and four hectares of cherry orchard were affected in the Ivanovca village, northern Floresti district.  

The district commissions for emergency situations assess the damages.   


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