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Moldovan parliament votes for introduction of over 11,000 archaeological sites in national archaeological register

19:18 | 13.06.2024 Category: Culture

Chisinau, 13 June /MOLDPRES/ - Over 11,000 archaeological sites from Moldova will be introduced in the national archaeological Register. They will benefit from special protection. The parliament has voted a draft law in this respect, in the second reading. The document was backed by 57 MPs.     

The register contains detailed data about each archaeological site, including the latter’s localization, type and dating.

The draft law on the approval of the national archaeological Register was elaborated by the Culture Ministry, in cooperation with the National Archaeological Agency, based on the information of the Register of Moldova’s monuments protected by the state, of the information and studies published in the specialty literature and of the manuscript of the Repertoire of the archaeology monuments.   

Also, the Register was completed as a result of the inspecting of the areas with archaeological potential by specialists of the National Archaeology Agency on the period 2012-2023.   

According to the authors, this Register will provide information support needed for the protection and turning to account of the archaeological sites. Moreover, the information from this document will be taken into account at the elaboration of the plans on planning the territory and the urban plans of settlements, in order to prevent the destruction of the archaeological sites.  



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