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Moldovan law-enforcers raise about 19 million lei in file on fiscal evasion, money laundering

21:55 | 13.06.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 13 June /MOLDPRES/ - About 19 million lei in unaccounted money has been raised following searches made in a file on fiscal evasion and money laundering. Thus, law-enforcers de-structured a scheme of fiscal evasion in particularly large amounts for the 2022 fiscal year, in which a network of restaurants is regarded, which work all over Moldova.      

Within the criminal prosecution, law-enforcers established that, as a result of non-issuance of the fiscal bill to clients, the economic agent was collecting cash money which did not appear in the book-keeping of the enterprise and respectively, the money was not taken into account at the payment of taxes to the state budget, in particularly large amounts.   

The General Police Inspectorate (IGP) informed that searches had been carried at offices of the investigated economic agent and law-enforcers detected and raised, at one of the enterprise’s subdivisions, cash money worth about 19 million lei, unaccounted in the enterprise’s book-keeping.  

In the context, law-enforcers urge the citizens to demand the fiscal bill when buying assets and services.   

The operation was carried out by officers of the IGP’s National Investigation Inspectorate, jointly with prosecutors of the Prosecutor’s Office for Combating Organized Crime and Special Causes (PCCOCS), investigation officers of the Anti-fraud General Department of the State Fiscal Office. The investigations continue, in order to establish all circumstances and the people involved.  



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