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Procedure of registration of veterinary use medicines simplified in Moldova

21:33 | 13.06.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 13 June /MOLDPRES/ - The veterinary use medicines authorized by the European Medicines Agency will be registered according to a simplified procedure. The parliament adopted a draft law to this effect.   

According to the new legislative provisions, to get the certificate of registration of the veterinary use medicine, the applicant will submit an application to the National Food Safety Agency (ANSA). The application will be accompanied by the features of the medicine, a model of label and the prospectus in the Romanian language. The validity period due to be provided for the certificate of registration of the medicine will meet the period authorized by the European Medicines Agency.   

At the same time, the procedure of issuance of the certificate of registration for the medicine will be carried out in a term of 30 days starting the date of the application’s submission.

The initiative’s author, MP of the Action and Solidarity Party (PAS), the head of the parliament’s commission for agriculture and food industry Alexandr Trubca says that the simplification of the registration procedure would help widen the spectrum of veterinary use medicine to which farmers have access. Therefore, conditions will be created for cutting the prices, given that the importers will no longer need to register the products also in Moldova.


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