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PHOTO World Blood Donor Day marked in Moldova

13:09 | 14.06.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 14 June /MOLDPRES/ - The World Blood Donor Day is marked in Moldova. On this occasion, the Health Ministry along with partner organizations, organized nationally a blood donation campaign, as well as events dedicated to donors.    

In the capital, a festive event was held at the Palace of the Republic, in which officials, medical employees, representatives of partner institutions and donors participated.

Health Minister Ala Nemerenco stressed that the events dedicated to the World Blood Donor Day were aimed at encouraging more people to become donors, in order to provide the availability of stocks of safe blood products and sufficient for patients.   

„The blood means life. By celebrating these 20 years, we highlight how important the voluntary donation for a base of blood is. Donors deserve our every respect. Each year, during one month, a campaign is organized to collect as much blood as possible, so that each medical institution intervenes when needed. On this period, over 10,000 collections of blood are carried out. We must be grateful to the people who donate with generosity. We have permanent donors; servicemen, students and medical employees are active participants. The health system would be weaker without you, without your contribution. We go through a fragile period, as we have a war in the neighbourhood; therefore, we must support the unity messages,’’ Ala Nemerenco said.    

For her part, the deputy head of the National Blood Transfusion Centre, Silvia Rosca, said that the stocks of blood products backed the providing of highly qualitative medical assistance. ‘’This is a good occasion to pay homage also to the medical employees, as well as the great gratitude on behalf of patients. Thank you for everything you do for the health system,’’ Silvia Rosca stressed.  

Also at the event, the permanent donors were awarded diplomas for the contribution brought to the health system.  

In 2024, the slogan of the World Blood Donor Day is Celebrating 20 years of generosity – thanks for the blood donors! The message is meant to express gratitude and the role of the volunteer and non-remunerated blood donors from Moldova in the saving of human lives and the importance of blood transfusion treatment, as well as the enhancement of the degree of awareness among the residents as to the importance of blood’s donation.

The decision to mark the World Blood Donor day was taken at the 58th meeting of the World Health Organization (WHO), during which the member states unanimously declared the commitment and support for the voluntary blood donation.  














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