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Olympic Games: Sports equipment meant for national team to be exempted from customs duties

20:25 | 14.06.2024 Category: Sport

Chisinau, 14 June /MOLDPRES/ - The sports equipment meant for the national Olympic team due to participate in the Paris Summer Olympic Games will be exempted from customs duties. The parliament took a decision to this effect today.    

The initiative belongs to the MPs of the Action and Solidarity Party (PAS), Lilian Carp, and Artemie Catanoi. The authors say that the draft will facilitate the purchasing of the sports equipment and the qualitative gala/parade one, with a single design for the members of the national Olympic team delegated to the 2024 Paris Olympic Games.   

According to the draft’s informative note, about 35-38 pieces of equipment, both sport, gala and parade, are necessary for each sportsperson or member of the delegation who will participate in the Olympic Games.   

The spending for the carriage and equipping of the national team is provided by the National Olympic and Sports Committee from Moldova (CNOS) from own sources, from sources attracted from partners and sponsors.   

The design of the sports equipment was elaborated by CNOS, along with a company from Spain and the transportation of the equipment will be provided by a native economic agent. The gala and parade equipment will be imported from Romania.    

The 33rd edition of the Summer Olympic Games will be held in Paris on 26 July – 11 August 2024. So far, more sportspeople from Moldova have got quotas of participation in these Games.   



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