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Free of charge legal assistance provided by state in Moldova: about 60,000 beneficiaries during one year

14:59 | 14.06.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 14 June /MOLDPRES/ – About 60,000 people in 2023 benefited from free of charge legal assistance provided by the state, for which 81 million lei was spent. Data to this effect is included in the report of the national Council for legal assistance guaranteed by the state (CNAJGS), unveiled in the parliament’s plenum today.   

According to information, in 2023, 44,695 cases of providing of qualified legal assistance and 15,010 cases of providing primary assistance were recorded. It was about criminal files in 80 per cent of the cases of providing legal assistance. At the same time, 7,337 women, 2,428 minors, 1296 disabled people, 1,690 domestic violence victims and 114 victims of the trafficking in human beings benefited from free of charge legal assistance guaranteed by state. Also, in 3,561 cases, the legal assistance was provided urgently.   

On the other hand, the providing of the legal assistance guaranteed by the state was refused in 1,700 cases. This occurs, after CNAJGS got access to the governmental platforms of data on the incomes of the applicant, which are verified and analyzed in the process of processing of the applications on the free of charge providing of legal assistance.

Under the law, the legal assistance guaranteed by the state is provided to the people who have no money for their payment and who meet certain conditions. The assistance is provided in diverse forms, through explanations in legal problems, compilation of acts, representation at the public administration authorities or courts, in civil actions at law, contravention actions and trials. This system is established, in order to defend the human rights and ensure the access to justice, through diminishing the economic and financial obstacles.  



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