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Over 30 national public roads hit by last days' heavy rains in Moldova

18:41 | 14.06.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 14 June /MOLDPRES/ - A number of 34 national public roads from diverse regions of Moldova have been affected by the heavy rains of the last days. Eighty eight road workers and about 37 special equipment vehicles intervened for removing the consequences of the bad weather. The State Administration of Roads (ASD) said that there were no blocked roads at present.    

Intervention teams carried out works of cleaning of the roadway from accumulations of water, mud and gravel, as well as of removing the branches and trees fallen. The sectors concerned are: Cahul, Taraclia, Cainari, Cimislia, Leova, Anenii Noi, Criuleni, Dubasari, Nisporeni, Orhei, Comrat, Ceadar-Lunga, Vulcanesti, Straseni, Calarasi, Soroca, Floresti.

Presently, the ASD teams constantly monitor the situation on the national roads, in order to quickly intervene if needed and to ensure the movement in conditions of safety and comfort. The participants in the traffic are urged to observe the road signs and recommendations of the competent authorities for a safe movement.   

In the last days, Moldova has been under a Yellow Code of atmospheric instability, with heavy rainfall registered, accompanied by wind.   






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