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About 760,000 people benefit from compensated medicines, medical devices in Moldova in 2023

16:06 | 15.06.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 15 June /MOLDPRES/ - About 760,000 people in 2023 benefited from compensated medicines and medical devices. Data to this effect is included in the report on the fulfillment of the mandatory health insurances accounts in 2023, heard in parliament on 14 June.   

The report contains information on the beneficiaries of the mandatory health insurances system, synthesis of the revenues and expenses reflected through the light of the indicators planned and fulfilled in the reporting year. Thus, in 2023, the revenues fulfilled exceeded 14.5 billion lei and the expenses – 13.7 billion lei.  

The largest share of all expenses deals with the payment of the current and pharmaceutical medical services, which amounted to 13,601.7 million lei (99 per cent). Just as in the years before, the financial resources were meant for the medical assistance in hospitals, in quantum of 52.2 per cent of all expenses; it is followed by the primary medical assistance - 20.4 per cent; outpatient medical assistance – 8.7 per cent; emergency pre-hospital medical assistance – 8.4 per cent; services meant for the compensation of medicines and medical devices – 6.6 per cent, etc.      

As compared to the years before, the number of insured people increased to 95,282. In 2023, the most demanded medical services were of obstetrics, orthopedics, traumatology, neurology, ophthalmology, surgery. Also, 7,106 cardiovascular surgical interventions were carried out, up by 1,344 against 2022. Also, the expenses were covered for 9,260 cataract operations; 5,064 interventions of prosthesis of the locomotor apparatus; 1,578 endovascular interventions; 36 people with hearing deficiencies benefited from medical services within the Cochlear Implant; 42,434 radiotherapy sessions in outpatient and inpatient conditions; 102,695 dialysis sessions; 150 transplant operations; 47 cases of in vitro fertilization, etc.      

As for the pre-hospital emergency medical assistance, 747,000 calls of the ambulance were registered. As far as the primary medical assistance is concerned, 2 billion 813 million lei was spent, with over 10 million visits to the family physician and over 6 million visits to physicians specialists recorded.  

Also, the compensation of medical devices and medicines is among the priorities of financing, from which 758,000 people benefited. Thus, increased attention was paid to the diagnose services through magnetic resonance, tomography and oncology.    


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