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Priests, parishioners, politicians participate in National March of Family

20:09 | 15.06.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 15 June /MOLDPRES/ - A National March of Family took place in Chisinau today. Priests and parishioners of the Orthodox Church, who evoked the values of the traditional family, participated in the event, organized by the Moldovan Party of Socialists (PSRM).      

The participants in the march bore icons, banners of Church, balloons of white colour. Assembled outside the Chisinau-based Circus, where they said prayers, they marched up to the Birth of God Metropolitan Cathedral.    

„We support the children of Moldova, the traditional family.’’ ‘’We promote the traditional family – the basis of the society.’’ ‘’We promote the family where children are brought up with mother and father.’’ ‘’There should be family, just as it is given by God,’’ the participants in the march said.      



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