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Moldovan president gives speech at Ukraine Peace Summit

16:59 | 16.06.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 16 June /MOLDPRES/ -President Maia Sandu has given a speech at the Ukraine Peace Summit. The event, which was held in Switzerland, brought together leaders from 100 countries and international organizations.    

President Maia Sandu said in her speech:  

„Distinguished guests,

We are here today in order to speak about peace. All of us want peace. But what does peace really mean?   

We certainly know what peace is not. Peace does not mean capitulation to the aggressor. The occupation of some areas or whole countries does not mean peace and can never represent the foundation of peace.    

Does anybody sitting here – at this table – think that the giving up of parts of your countries might really bring sustainable peace?

The peace must be defended. By all of us. We must edify a world which should be strong and united and which should actively support such nations as Ukraine in their efforts for peace and security.     

I am today here in front of your, in order to reaffirm Moldova’s firm commitment for the reestablishment of peace in Ukraine and in Europe. A peace which observes the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine.     

Even if we have limited resources, we have a strong wish to help. Moldova has made important steps in accordance with the peace formula of Ukraine.   

As for the food security, we facilitate the exports of cereals from Ukraine to global markets, which is important especially for the countries where the food security continues to be a major concern.

As far as the humanitarian measures are concerned, we received hundreds of thousands of refugees and joined the international efforts to release the kidnapped Ukrainian children.

As for the justice, we joined the Council of Europe’s Register of Damage, in order to make sure that Russia will pay reparations.    

Equally important is that we consolidate our resilience, in order to maintain the stability in the country and to be a strong and helpful neighbour for Ukraine, with which we have a border of 1,200 kilometers.  

Yet, our path is not lacking challenges. Hybrid attacks, coordinated by Moscow and his interposed people, continue to put us to test, with the intention to undermine our democracy and interfere with our sovereign options at the elections due to take place.     

But we have never been more resolute to win. We understand what the stake is – our peace, our freedom, the future of our children.   

Ladies and gentlemen,

The peace cannot be restrained inside the borders; it must be promoted and spread. Therefore, the enlargement of the European Union, a peace project in its essence, is the best investment in a lasting peace and stability on the European continent.    

In the end, I want to make clear: the peace of Ukraine is the peace of Moldova as well – and, in this interconnected world, the global peace cannot exist without it. Only united, on all continents, we can ensure a peaceful future for everybody.  

Слава Україні (Glory to Ukraine!)!” 




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