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Moldova Pride march of LGBT community held in Chisinau

18:58 | 16.06.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 16 June /MOLDPRES/ - A march of the LGBT community from Moldova, titled, Moldova Pride, took place in Chisinau today. According to the organizers, the march is organized, in order to raise the public opinion’s awareness about the cases of discrimination to which the representatives of the sexual minorities are subjected.

With coloured clothes on them, the participants in the march met at the intersection of the Bucuresti and Ismail streets and moved to the Council of Europe’s square on the Serghei Lazo Street from the Moldovan capital.    

The slogan of the campaign this year is, Taxes from us, law from the state. ‘’Through this slogan, the LGBTQI+ community from Moldova asks the state to legalize the same-sex marriages and the recognizing of the gender for the transgender people ,’’ representatives of the GENDERDOC-M Information Centre said.   

Meanwhile, more priests and a group of Orthodox activists, bearing icons and Church banners, organized a counter-event nearby the monument to Stephen the Great.   

Decision-makers of the departments of the Chisinau city hall informed that the movement of trolley buses on the Bucuresti Street had been affected following the holding of the march.

On 15 June, the National March of the Family was held in Chisinau, in order to back the traditional families.  





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