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National Army soldiers participate in Peace Shield 2024 exercise

13:41 | 17.06.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 17 June. /MOLDPRES/ - National Army soldiers are taking part in the Peace Shield 2024 exercise on June 17-28.

According to the Defense Ministry, the exercise aims to evaluate the 22nd Peacekeeping Battalion Blue Helmets. The soldiers will be checked by national and international experts in performing actions specific to international peacekeeping missions, such as: patrolling, convoy and escort, search of vehicle technology at checkpoints, ensuring the security of strategic objectives, medical evacuation, as well as providing medical first aid.

At the same time, the National Army will also host the Assessment Training Course which aims to train military personnel on the procedures and fairness of conducting assessment according to the OCC concept. About 40 evaluators from Austria, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Colombia, France, Georgia, Germany, Jordan, Ireland, Italy, Kazakhstan, Malta, Morocco, Romania, Serbia, South Korea, South Africa, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, the United Kingdom and the USA will be trained at the course.

The Ministry of Defence states that OCC certification is a prerequisite for the National Army's participation in UN peacekeeping missions, including KFOR in Kosovo and UNIFIL in Lebanon.

The National Army joined the OCC program in 2007.


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