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Moldovan economic development minister says economy grows by 1.9 per cent in first quarter of 2024

17:04 | 17.06.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 17 June /MOLDPRES/ - Moldova’s economy grew by 1.9 per cent in the first three months of the 2024 year. The principal sectors which fueled this increase are the industry, IT sector, energy field. Figures to this effect were unveiled by Deputy Prime Minister, Economic Development Digitalization Minister Dumitru Alaiba.  

The deputy PM said that this is ‘’a good sign of the economy’s recovery,’’ ’’but we need even more.’’ ‘’All our actions of reforms are aimed at enhancing the economic potential, which is to give an accelerated pace of economic growth of at least eight per cent,’’ Alaiba noted.     Alaiba.

As far as the use is concerned, the next export of assets and services had a positive contribution of 3.1 per cent, which means that the commercial balance improved. At the same time, the private consumption increased by 1.6 per cent and the investments – by 4.8 per cent.   

„We continue our agenda of reforms, which is to facilitate the business environment, to attract investments, to create jobs and back the exports. Our vision is clear: a free, open, digitalized economy, integrated into EU,’’ Dumitru Alaiba said.   

Data by the national Statistics Bureau (BNS) shows that, according to preliminary estimations, the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in the first quarter of 2024 stood at 67.4 billion lei (current market prices), increasing, in real terms, by 1.9 per cent against the first quarter of the 2023 year, in gross series. In the seasonally adjusted series, the GDP increased by 1.4 per cent in the first quarter of 2024 against the first quarter of 2023 and – by 2.5 per cent against fourth quarter of 2023.     



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