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Moldovan PM highlights importance of having national road safety programme

16:12 | 18.06.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 18 June /MOLDPRES/ - A report on the assessment of the performance of the road safety in Moldova and the concept of the national Programme on road safety have been unveiled at a workshop held at the government’s headquarters. Prime Minister Dorin Recean highlighted the importance of the elaboration and implementation of the Programme for ensuring the protection of the life and health of the participants in the traffic and cutting the costs related to traffic accidents.  

The PM said that, in the last years, Moldova had made progress as regards the road traffic’s safety. ‘’The government constructs and repairs the infrastructure, creates safer conditions for the citizens, but everybody’s involvement is needed,’’ the prime minister noted.     

In the context, PM Dorin Recean appreciated the contribution of the public institutions and non-governmental organizations which promote the security of the road traffic.   

At the same time, the prime minister stressed the need of working out a document due to define and plan the government’s public policy as concerns the road safety. ‘’It is important that we have a national Programme on road safety and mobilize to implement it,’’ PM Dorin Recean also said.   

The elaboration of the national Programme on road safety is aimed at gradually reducing the number of deaths and serious injuries, through improving the safety of the road traffic in Moldova and combining a string of measures of passive and active road safety. It is also necessary to change the behavior of the participants in the traffic, through the education and enhancement of the degree of awareness, as well as enhancing the degree of responsibility as regards the observance of the traffic regulations.     





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