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Eastern Partnership countries discuss strengthening cyber security in energy sector in Chisinau

13:35 | 19.06.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 19 June. /MOLDPRES/- Main actors in the energy sector of the Eastern Partnership countries met in Chisinau to study opportunities for strengthening cyber security in the energy sector. The two-day interactive workshop explores opportunities for strengthening cybersecurity practices and tools, as well as strengthening cyber resilience.

"With the digitisation of the energy sector, cyber risks also increase. Progress in digitization is making the sector smarter, bringing innovative and higher quality services to consumers. However, another side of digitisation is the increased exposure to cyber-attacks, which pose dangers to consumers' personal data as well as to the security of energy supplies. In the modern world, virtually all economic and social life and processes depend on electricity," said Cristina Pereteatcu, Secretary of State of the Ministry of Energy.

According to the Ministry of Energy, the Network Code on Cyber Security sets a European standard for cyber security of cross-border electricity flows and includes rules on cyber risk assessment, common minimum requirements, certification of cyber security of products and services, monitoring, reporting and crisis management.

The training is organized by the Ministry of Energy in partnership with the Council of European Energy Regulators, CEER, and brings together representatives of energy ministries, regulators and system operators from Eastern Partnership countries.







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