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Romanian president says Romania along with Italy concretely, resolutely support Moldova's way of accession to EU

15:02 | 19.06.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 19 June /MOLDPRES/ - Moldova is the partner worst hit by the war and we must provide it every support necessary. President of Romania Klaus Iohannis has made statements to this effect at a meeting with his Italian counterpart Sergio Mattarella. The Romanian head of state congratulated the Italian president on the results of his visit paid to Chisinau earlier this week.  

„I congratulate Mr. President on the outcomes of the visit just paid to Chisinau. I am happy with the fact that we together concretely and resolutely support the way of Moldova’s accession to the European Union. Moldova is our partner which is worst hit by the war and we must make sure that we provide it every support needed. Not in the least, I convey our appreciations to the Italian Presidency of G7, which has already had exceptional initiatives and properly responded to the current major international challenges,’’ Iohannis noted.     

The president of Romania and his Italian counterpart discussed also aspects on the consolidation of the common European family, noting ‘’how significant the rigorous planning of the European Union’s Strategic Agency for the next period stays.’’   

At the meeting, the officials also discussed subjects on the war which Russia continues to wage against Ukraine.  

„I discussed with Mr. President also our concerns about security, triggered by the war which Russia continues to wage against Ukraine, with a strong negative impact for the region, as well as for the entire Euro-Atlantic area. We will continue working along with Italy and all our allies for strengthening NATO’s role of preventing any war and of defending our states, through the consolidation of its position of discouraging and defence on the Eastern Flank, as well as on the Southern Flank,’’ Klaus Iohannis added.   

President of Italy Sergio Mattarella paid an official visit to Chisinau on 17-18 June. During the visit, more acts were signed, among which a joint declaration for backing the European integration of Moldova.



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