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Moldova, Ukraine consolidate dialogue on Transnistrian settlement, maintaining ''security atmosphere''

16:45 | 19.06.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 19 June /MOLDPRES/ - The Transnistrian settlement process and the present dynamic of the Chisinau-Tiraspol dialogue today were discussed by the head of the parliamentary commission for the monitoring and control of the reintegration policy, Roman Rosca, and the ambassador-at-large of Ukraine’s Foreign Affairs Ministry, Paun Rohovei.   

The discussions were focused on up-to-date subjects, such as the access to education for the residents from the Transnistrian region, as well as the need to boost the reintegration policies through the light of the opportunities provided by the status of countries candidates for accession to the European Union.  

The participants in the dialogue stressed the common commitment to consolidate the dialogue and the coordination on aspects which regard the Transnistrian file. The goal is to maintain an atmosphere of security, solve the most pressing problems of the residents from both banks of Dniester and consolidate the friendly climate for the achievement of the strategic desideratum of the country’s reintegration.     

Paun Rohovei reconfirmed the support for achieving a final settlement of the Transnistrian conflict, within Moldova’s internationally recognized borders.  




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