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Moldovan, Slovak officials approach cooperation

11:27 | 20.06.2024 Category: Official

Bratislava, 20 June /MOLDPRES/- We are looking forward to the first intergovernmental conference between Moldova and the European Union, which will mark the official launch of accession negotiations, and we count on Slovakia's continued support during the integration process. Deputy Prime Minister Mihai Popsoi made the statement at a joint press conference with Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic Juraj Blanár in Bratislava.

Twenty years of Slovakia in the European Union, together with its progress and development throughout this period, is a source of strong motivation for our country in our European path.

The working visit to Bratislava is a significant stage in the dialogue and cooperation between the Republic of Moldova and Slovakia. We appreciated the openness and substance of our discussions, meant to further boost our bilateral agenda, especially at this complicated time for regional security.

We also exchanged views on cooperation in international and regional organisations, such as the United Nations and the Council of Europe. Our mutual support for candidates in these fora reflects our shared commitment to promoting peace, democracy and human rights on the world stage.

At the same time, I am grateful that since 2014, SlovakAid has been implementing projects in our country to improve the quality of life of citizens in areas such as good governance, strengthening civil society, infrastructure, sustainable use of natural resources, water and sanitation and waste management", the Moldovan official said.


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