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State Protection and Guard Service officers to ensure enforcement of sanctions for MPs

13:24 | 20.06.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 20 June /MOLDPRES/-Officers of the State Protection and Guard Service (SPPS) will be able to ensure the enforcement of sanctions for MPs. The amendments to Parliament's Regulations were published in the Official Journal and have entered into force.

Previously, Article 133 of the Parliament's Regulations stipulated that the execution of the sanctions of removal from the meeting room and prohibition to participate in plenary sittings for up to 10 sittings shall be carried out by the employees of the Parliament's special service under a regulation approved by law. No such service has been set up in the legislature, which has led to the non-application of the rules.

Following the amendments, the words "employees of the special service of the Parliament on the basis of a regulation approved by law", "special service of the Parliament" and "employee of the special service of the Parliament" will be interpreted as referring to the protection officers of the State Protection and Guard Service.

Late last week, seven MPs were sanctioned and banned from attending the next five plenary sittings of Parliament. It is about MPs Vasile Bolea, Vadim Fotescu, Denis Ulanov, Irina Lozovan, Marina Tauber, Reghina Apostolova and Alexandr Nesterovschi. The sanction was imposed at the proposal of Speaker Igor Grosu after the MPs blocked the rostrum and prevented the plenary session from taking place.




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