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Seventy eight women doing agricultural businesses to benefit from support to enhance energy efficiency in Moldova

19:51 | 20.06.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 20 June /MOLDPRES/ - Seventy eight women from 16 districts of Moldova, who carry out economic activities, will benefit from support in the implementation of solutions of renewable energy and energy efficiency. The support, worth about 650,000 dollars, is provided in equipment and services, within a project implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Moldova, with the financial support of Switzerland and Japan.     

The support provided consists in setting photovoltaic panels, heating pumps, boilers working on biomass, solar collectors, adoption of diverse measures of energy efficiency at deposits and rooms used in the production process, procurement of energy efficient equipment.     

Thirty two women are helped from sources provided by the government of Japan to enhance the energy resilience of their businesses: 22 household agricultural producers will receive energy efficient technologies and equipment worth up to 5,000 dollars and ten small- and medium-sized agricultural producers – worth 10,000 dollars each.      

Ambassador of Japan to Moldova Yamada Yoichiro said that ‘’Moldova still faces many challenges, but no matter how complicated the situation would be now, I sincerely believe that Moldova will have a bright future after the war.’’ ‘’It is remarkable how much your country has progressed despite the difficulties. You should be proud of the achievements of your country. The country is at the historical crucial moment, both in politics and in economy. The accession to EU will bring many benefits to you, to your children and grandchildren,’’ the ambassador also said.      

At the same time, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) will finance 46 out of all 78 proposals of projects. Thirty of these projects, worth 6,000 dollars, were submitted by women who practice agricultural activity in households and 16 proposals, worth 18,000 dollars each, - by women owners of small- and medium-sized agricultural enterprises.  

The deputy director of the Swiss Cooperation Office in Moldova, Olivier Bürki, highlighted the importance of the project in the context of multiple crises which Moldova had faced in the last years. ‘’This support regards the long-term social and economic improvement, the energy security and the energy transition for the enterprises led by women from rural areas. Today, we congratulate 46 courageous, industrious, dedicated and creative women, who make progress in this sector,’’ Olivier Bürki said.      

The beneficiaries were selected by UNDP through open competition. They practice agricultural economic activities at the level of household, manage peasant farms, private enterprises, Ltd companies and associations of entrepreneurs in the districts of Telenesti, Ungheni, Soldanesti, Hancesti, Sangerei, Briceni, Orhei, Straseni, Criuleni, Dubasari, Floresti, Rezina, Cantemir, Causeni, Cahul, Taraclia. The own compulsory contribution is at least 20 per cent of the sum demanded in the proposal of project.       













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