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Moldovan PM says communities should be prepared for benefiting from more opportunities

19:06 | 20.06.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 20 June /MOLDPRES/ - The amalgamation of settlements will provide more possibilities for accessing development funds, including the ones available in the process of pre-accession to the European Union. The villages of Volintiri and Copceac from the south-eastern Stefan Voda district have initiated the process, in order to join the efforts of administration. Prime Minister Dorin Recean discussed with the mayors of these settlements today.    

The PM expressed every political support of the government in the process of voluntary amalgamation, noting that the benefits would be felt by all members of the community. ‘’An information campaign is also necessary; we do not expect to make the amalgamations overnight. We must unveil the advantages of this change and improve the quality of the public services,’’ the prime minister also said.       

The mayor of the Volintiri village, Igor Hîncu, and the mayor of the Copceac village, Vasile Țîntari, informed that the decision to initiate the voluntary amalgamation was to be approved just at the next meeting of the councils of the two settlements. ‘’We are at the end of the way; we observed the procedures and the stages established and we carry out an information campaign, in order to explain the benefits,’’ the mayors noted.  

The participants in the dialogue emphasized that the turning to good account of more funds meant for developing the settlements would be possible in this way. At present, ten projects are under implementation in the Volintiri village, which regard the energy optimization of public buildings, waste management, enhancing the civic involvement in the local governance, as well as the backing of local residents and Ukrainian refugees who want to start a business.

It is worth mentioning that, in the last four years, another over 30 projects have been carried out in the Volintiri village: the sewerage system was repaired at the kindergarten, the collection of waste from the settlement was optimized, the local market and the placement centre for children at risk were renovated. Also, another dozens of projects have been implemented in the Copceac village. The settlement is fully supplied with gas, has public illumination and modern playgrounds.      

Starting from 2024, the neighbouring administrative and territorial units can choose to unite, in order to better manage the most important local affairs. The government provides funds for the preparation of the process of voluntary amalgamation and the State Chancellery, with the help of development partners, provides guiding in this process.   







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