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Moldova opens negotiations with Slovenia on signing social security agreement

12:30 | 21.06.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 21 June /MOLDPRES/- Moldovans living in the Republic of Slovenia will be able to receive pensions and other social benefits. The decree of Moldovan President Maia Sandu on the start of negotiations on the social security agreement between the Republic of Moldova and the Republic of Slovenia was published in the Official Journal today.

Under the document, the official delegation for negotiation of the draft Agreement between the Republic of Moldova and the Republic of Slovenia in the social security will be headed by Corina Ajder - State Secretary of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection.

According to the authorities, the document aims to ensure a framework of social guarantees for migrant workers from the Republic of Moldova, who have lived or worked on the territory of our country or the Republic of Slovenia. Thus, employees, self-employed workers, posted workers, staff of diplomatic missions and consular posts will be entitled to pensions or other allowances. These persons will be able to receive old-age pensions, pensions for disability due to general medical conditions, pensions and allowances for disability resulting from accidents at work or occupational diseases, and survivors' pensions. Pensions will be calculated on a proportional basis.

So far, the Republic of Moldova has concluded social security agreements with 18 countries, 16 of which are in force.




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