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Moldovan president conveys message on Sovereignty Day of Moldova

17:43 | 23.06.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, June 23 /MOLDPRES/- On June 23, 1990, the deputies of the Supreme Soviet of the Moldovan Soviet Socialist Socialist Republic adopted the Declaration of Sovereignty - the document that paved the way to independence, democracy and rule of law.

Head of state Maia Sandu said that our country has had a difficult road until now. However, after 34 years, the Republic of Moldova remains a peaceful and democratic country where the people are sovereign and decide the fate of the country.

"The people will also decide at referendum the fate of the country for decades to come - whether they support Moldova's accession to the European Union. We have learned during the years of independence that democracy and freedom are not given goods. These values must be defended every day if we want to build a peaceful and prosperous life here at home and leave our children a legacy of a free, independent and protected country", Maia Sandu said.


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