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MEP: Accession negotiations with Moldova must be supported by increased EU financial assistance

14:12 | 25.06.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 25 June /MOLDPRES/- Moldova's accession to the European Union must be supported by increased financial assistance from Brussels, says MEP Siegfried Muresan, chairman of the European Parliament's delegation for relations with Moldova.

Mureșan says that the start of negotiations shortly after granting candidate country status to Moldova and Ukraine denotes the importance of the two countries for the European community. The MEP also said that Moldova deserves financial support similar to that adopted for Ukraine.

"Over the last two years we have seen how pro-European political leaders, with limited resources, have made extraordinary progress in modernizing the country and implementing the reforms required by the European Union. These efforts must be rewarded by the EU institutions. This is why, in addition to the historic decision to start accession negotiations, I expect the European Commission to propose increased financial and technical support for the Republic of Moldova in the coming period. I believe that Moldova deserves a support instrument similar to the one we have adopted for Ukraine, but proportional to the size and needs of the country", Mureșan added.

The financial needs of the Moldovan authorities to continue reforms, develop the economy and ensure the well-being of the people are relatively small compared to the EU budget.

"Every extra euro allocated can make a difference in Moldova. Modernizing Moldova and improving people's well-being is a process that has already started and will accelerate during the accession negotiations. So the people of Moldova will feel the benefits of European integration long before accession itself. Therefore, by helping Moldova more now, in the accession process, we ensure that the country's economy and people's living standards will be closer to the EU average by the time of accession", Muresan said.

Siegfried Mureșan gives assurances that he will continue to support the efforts of the Chisinau authorities in the process of European integration and will also stand by the citizens of Ukraine.

"As Chair of the European Parliament Delegation for relations with the Republic of Moldova, I will continue to support all the efforts of the Chisinau authorities in the accession process. I will also continue to stand by the people of Ukraine who, through their struggle for peace, freedom and a European future, are defending the whole European Union", he said.



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