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Moldovan parliament speaker welcomes starting of negotiations on EU accession

22:27 | 25.06.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 25 June /MOLDPRES/ - Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu has welcomed the official opening of the negotiations on accession. He noted that ‘’now, it is our duty to edify together a stronger, more united Europe, where each nation has opportunity to develop in peace and prosperity.’’     

„We expect a long road, when each of us will have to make effort and determination, in order to consolidate the institutions, continue the fight against corruption, increase the economy. These are natural things, which each us wants and which will get us closer to the European Union. The Moldovans showed that they are already Europeans. Now, it is our duty, as citizens, to show the same confidence at the referendum due on 20 October, through an exemplary participation. We should edify a stronger, more united Europe, in which each nation has opportunity to develop in peace and prosperity,’’ Grosu said.        

The first Moldova-EU Intergovernmental Conference took place in Luxembourg today. At the event, the Belgian diplomacy head, Hadja Lahbib, and European Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi unveiled the framework of negotiation.   

Prime Minister Dorin Recean made public the Moldovan government’s position and confirmed that he accepted the framework of negotiations proposed by EU.  




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