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PHOTO Military sappers in missions of neutralizing explosive objects

16:53 | 26.06.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 26 June /MOLDPRES/ - National Army’s sappers in June have carried out 11 demining missions, as a result of which explosive objects were detected and neutralized. In most cases, the shells and cartridges date back from the World War II or more recent, from 1992 - the times of the Transnistria War.    

An artillery shell has been recently discovered in the border police sector of the north-western Lipcani town. Policemen were alerted by local residents, who noticed an object resembling a shell nearby railways. A group of the motorized infantry brigade from the Balti municipality intervened on the spot and detonated the explosive.    

Contacted by MOLDPRES, the spokeswoman of the Defence Ministry, Maria Arama, said that, in most cases, the explosive objects were detected by citizens during agriculture works or constructions – diggings.   

Since early 2024, 67 demining missions have been fulfilled, as a result of which 86 explosive objects of different types and five cartridges were destroyed.








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