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Legislation on ensuring equality of treatment between women and men to be improved in Moldova

18:27 | 26.06.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 26 June /MOLDPRES/ - The legislative framework on the enforcement of the principle of equality of treatment between women and men will be improved, in line with the European legislation in the field. The government has approved amendments, which promote the equality of chances between men and women in all aspects of the economic and social life.  

The legislative amendments will contribute to the change of the perceptions and are aimed at removing the gender discrimination, including as regards the accessing and providing of goods and services. 

To this end, amendments were made to the Law on consumers’ protection, the Law on ensuring the equality of chances between women and men and the Law on the ensuring of equality.    

More exactly, decision-makers defined the notions of ‘’positive measures’’ and the ‘’equal treatment of women,’’ improved the mechanism of protection of the enforcement of the principle of equality and extended the powers provided to the public authorities in charge of this segment. The consideration and settlement of complaints on discrimination deeds is to be made by the Council for equality, other specialized public authorities and law courts.    

At the same time, at the today’s meeting, the government approved the Regulation on the organization and work of the national coordination council in the sector of prevention and combating of violence against women and the domestic violence. The structure will monitor the implementation of the state’s policies on this segment, will represent a platform of discussions and will ensure the cooperation between the competent authorities.     



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