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Young doctors, pharmacists to receive higher benefits

13:34 | 27.06.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 27 Jun /MOLDPRES/- Young specialists in medicine and pharmacy will benefit from increased benefits. The amount of the allowances and compensation, as well as the way they will be granted will be set by the government. A bill to this effect was adopted in the final reading by the parliament.

Young specialists with higher education, such as optometrists, licensed general medical assistants, radiology technicians have been included in the list of beneficiaries of allowances and compensations from the state budget.

Medical and pharmaceutical workers employed in public health institutions in towns and villages, including in the municipalities of Chisinau and Balti, who reside outside the locality where they work will benefit from transportation money.

Statistics show that last year, there were 12,600 doctors and 23,687 medical staff with secondary education working in the medical system in the country.




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