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DOC Farmers to be able to claim direct payments in livestock sector

14:38 | 27.06.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 27 June /MOLDPRES/- Farmers will be able to apply for direct payments in the livestock sector. The order on the launch of the third call for submitting applications was published in the Official Journal today.

Under the document, the applications for direct payments per head of livestock for cattle, sheep, goats and horses will be submitted from July 11 to September 13, 2024. At the same time, applications for direct payments per kg of milk are due from July 11 to August 23, 2024.

Farmers will be able to submit their applications to the Agency for Intervention and Payments in Agriculture. Direct payments per kg of product will be claimed for products delivered between January 1, 2024 and June 30, 2024.

The payments are granted from the National Fund for Development of Agriculture and Rural Environment, which is 1 billion 600 million lei.

The order of Deputy Prime Minister Vladimir Bolea on the launch of the call for submission of applications for granting direct payments in the livestock sector enters into force upon the publication in the Official Journal of the Republic of Moldova.

Two calls for submission of applications for direct payments in the livestock sector have been held.





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