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Legislation in field of management of chemical substances to be adjusted to European Union's one

17:07 | 27.06.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 27 June /MOLDPRES/ - The lawmakers today approved a draft law which regulates the content of the security sheet as to the dangers and risks of the chemical substances and mixtures imported in Moldova.  

In the new document, the MPs suggest the replacement of the phrase, ‘’technical security sheet’’ by ‘’sheet with security data.’’ The sheet represents an important document in the supply chain, which contains information on the components, physical and chemical features, dangers and risks posed by chemical substances and mixtures with smoke, ecological and toxicological data, information on the individual exposition and protection, the measures of providing the first and response aid in the case of non-deliberate spread of substances in the environment, as well as other information necessary for the protection of the health and of the environment. At the same time, the security sheet must contain also data on identification of the providers of chemical substances and mixtures, no matter whether they are producers, importers, representatives, users or distributors. The sheet will also show the full address and the contact number, as well as the email of a person in charge of the filling in of the sheet with security data.        

The legislative initiative was worked out by the Environment Ministry and regards the adjusting of the national legislation with EU’s legislation in the environmental protection sector.  



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