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Entrepreneur's Day marked in Moldova for the first time ever

17:57 | 27.06.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 27 June /MOLDPRES/ - The professional Day of Entrepreneur is marked in Moldova today. On this occasion, 20 new beneficiaries of grants through programmes of the Organization for Entrepreneurship Development (ODA) were announced in Chisinau. They accessed non-refundable financing of 6.21 million lei, with investments planned of 8.6 million lei. Deputy Prime Minister, Economic Development and Digitalization Minister Dumitru Alaiba said that the entrepreneurs were the pillars of Moldova’s economy and the main beneficiaries of the reforms promoted.      

The first edition of the Entrepreneur’s Day was marked in Chisinau by an event which brought together over 100 participants, including government officials, entrepreneurs and banking sector’s representatives.  

„We support our entrepreneurs through reforms, through financing and consultancy programmes. Our initiatives provide concrete support for the development of business. We will continue improving the state policies, in order to facilitate the access of more enterprises to financing and to edify a business environment friendly to the development,’’ Dumitru Alaiba said.    

The deputy PM pointed out more actions undertaken by the authorities to back the entrepreneurs. Among them, there is ‘’the removing of the bureaucratic obstacles with an impact of one billion lei,’’ the reform of the income tax, through which at least 1.4 million lei was saved and the digitalization of the public services for entrepreneurs at a level of over 60 per cent.   

„We are aware that there is still much to do. But we are determined to create an as friendly as possible business environment for development,’’ Alaiba added.  

The interim charge d’affairs of the European Union’s in Moldova, Magdalena Mueller-Uri, came up with a message to the entrepreneurs from Moldova. ‘’I congratulate the government, entrepreneurs and all citizens of Moldova on the official opening of the negotiations on accession to EU – a really historical step both for Moldova and the European Union. The process of accession and the subsequent aligning with the EU’s principles will contribute to the further improvement of the business environment and the turning to good account of the potential of growth of the small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs),’’ the official said.      

In the last two years, about 8,300 entrepreneurs have been supported through services of consultancy, training and grants programmes, which reached an overall value of non-refundable financing of 2.5 billion lei. With the implementation of various projects, the entrepreneurs created and maintained about 16,760 jobs. Their investments in the economy amount to about 4.8 billion lei.   

The professional holiday, Entrepreneur’s Day, was established under Government Decision on 29 May 2024 and will be annually marked on 27 June.  





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