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Moldovan National Integrity Authority's inspectors to have higher salaries, more leverages to verify civil servants' wealth

18:17 | 27.06.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 27 June /MOLDPRES/ - The integrity experts will have additional leverages for the carrying out of the control of the personal wealth and interests. A draft law to this end was adopted with the votes of 59 MPs.   

The legislative initiative belongs to lawmakers of Action and Solidarity Party (PAS). The document proposes legislative amendments for strengthening the role of the deputy president of the National Integrity Authority (ANI) and of the integrity inspectors, as well as to establish clear limits for the carrying out of the control of the personal wealth and interests. The authorities propose also the increase in the salaries of the integrity inspectors.     

Also, the lawmakers suggest that the integrity inspector should have power to instruct the cessation of the mandate, of the labour or office relations and to enforce the interdiction to hold certain offices, if a substantial difference is found out between the legally got incomes, the expenses made and the wealth acquired.   

The integrity inspector will also have the power to initiate the contravention procedure and the imposing of the fine, if the subject of declaration included incomplete or erroneous data, including about the existing incomes. This will be possible, if the wealth or incomes, the value of which exceeds two average salaries on the economy, were not declared properly.   



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