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Moldovan top court turns down appeal by Chance Party on exclusion of its candidates from local elections

20:38 | 28.06.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 28 June /MOLDPRES/ - The Supreme Court of Justice (CSJ) today turned down the appeal by the Chance Party, which appealed in court a decision by the Commission for Emergency Situations (CSE) on the exclusion of its candidates from the electoral race for the general local elections from 5 November 2023.   

The ruling was pronounced by the panel of judges of the CSJ civil, commercial and administrative college, made up of the magistrates, Stela Procopciuc as president, Oxana Parfeni and Ion Malanciuc.   

CSJ ruled to reject the appeal by the Chance political party and maintain in force the conclusion from 1 February 2024 and the ruling from 6 February 2024 by the Chisinau Court of Appeal, issued on the cause of administrative matters, opened at the summons submitted by the Chance Party against CSE from 3 November 2023.  

The CSJ’s ruling is final and irrevocable.

On 3 November 2023, following a report by the Intelligence and Security Service (SIS), CSE ruled to cancel the registration of all candidates of the Chance Party in the general local elections. In that report, SIS mentioned the attacks against Moldova and Russia’s interference with the elections from the country.

On the same day, the Chance political party appealed the CSE decision in court.    



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