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Moldovan president says leadership's goal to edify really good Moldova for all young people

21:01 | 29.06.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 29 June /MOLDPRES/ - President Maia Sandu today participated in a Moldova Youth Forum, held in the Balti municipality. The head of state urged the young people to boldly move towards future and learn from the others’ mistakes. At the same time, Maia Sandu said the governance had a plan – to edify ‘’a really good Moldova for all young people.’’ Yet, young people’s assistance is necessary.       

At the opening of the event, President Maia Sandu conveyed a message to the participants, stressing the importance of the courage, gratitude and assiduous work on their way towards success.   

„I will not tell you banalities that the age you go through now is unrepeatable. Each age is unrepeatable. The difference is that you have a life to discover ahead. (…)Maybe you will get above from first attempts, maybe you will stop at the middle of the way and will help somebody in need; maybe you will choose another route… Yet, always move with courage and responsibility,’’ Maia Sandu said.      

President Sandu urged the young people to make an individual plan, but at the same time, to be part of a greater plan. ‘’Make a plan for you; maybe you already have it…, but besides the individual plan, choose to be part of a greater plan. Our plan is to edify a really good Moldova for all young people. We can fulfill this plan, but we need your help.’’    

Addressing those over 300 participants, Prime Minister Dorin Recean stressed the essential role of young people in the process of Moldova’s accession to the European Union.    

„We must be aware of the fact that Moldova’s future depends on us. We are everybody free and the freedom which we have shows itself through the power to choose, to take decisions for the country and to speed up the change through which we go. Time is ripe for us to get involved and to show that we are resolute; we have a clear-cut direction and we know which is the future we want – a European future for each of us,’’ the PM said.      

During the forum, young people participate in panel-type discussions and practical workshops, through which they are encouraged to get involved in the formulation of public policies, in order to approach the challenges of the society. 

The third edition of the Moldova Youth Forum is held at the Vasile Alecsandri National Theatre on 29-30 June. The current edition of the Forum has the subject, Empowerment of young people for a more active involvement and an efficient  governance.   

Moldova Youth Forum is set to provide young people a platform of discussions on up-to-date subjects for young people, about innovating strategies of participation in community programmes, as well as to stimulate the dialogue between young people and authorities. The first edition of the Moldova Youth Forum took place in Chisinau in 2022 and the second one – in Comrat in 2023.   






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