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National Social insurances House of Moldova organizes open doors day, invites students to act as civil servants for one day

17:04 | 30.06.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 29 June /MOLDPRES/ - The National Social Insurances House (CNAS) organizes the open-doors day and suggests to interested people to become civil servants for one day.  

Contacted by MOLDPRES, a CNAS representative, Petru Socolan, said that the event was an information campaign titled, Open doors at CNAS – be civil servant for one day, held during one month. Five distinct events will be organized. They will take place weekly, on each Wednesday. The participants interested can choose the favourite day and they can also select the subjects in which they are particularly interested.     

This campaign addresses, in particular, students and will be carried out in next July, on each Wednesday, at the CNAS central apparatus at 10:00.   

The National Social Insurances House is the central administrative authority subordinated to the government, which manages the public system of state social insurances.   




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