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Prime Minister met with representatives of Moldovan diaspora in Greece

09:57 | 02.07.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, July 2 /MOLDPRES/- Programs to support the return of the diaspora back home, economic development of the country, consolidation of efforts in the accession to the European Union were among the issues discussed last night by Prime Minister Dorin Recean and several Moldovan citizens residing in Greece, the government's communication department has reported.

The official appreciated the participants' interest in the situation in our country and support for the European path.

"We discussed how to build a European, developed and modern Moldova for our citizens, the educational and medical system and the reforms we need to implement in order to ensure good living conditions for all citizens," the prime minister said.

Recean also expressed gratitude for the promotion of national traditions and values and awarded Dina Izbisciuc-Sova, founder and conductor of the Diaspora Choir "Dor de Doina" from Greece with Government's Honorary Diploma.

Over 7,400 Moldovan citizens are officially registered in Greece.









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