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Data on high-level corruption, organized crime in Moldova uploaded on e-Platform

19:54 | 02.07.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, July 2 /MOLDPRES/- General Prosecutor's Office announced today that it has completed e-Platform for collecting data on high-level corruption and organized crime. The action is part of Moldova's commitments for accession to the European Union, including to the European Commission.

According to the prosecutor's office, in the context of the EU enlargement policy, candidate countries and potential candidates are required to provide the European Commission with national statistics on high-level corruption, money laundering and organized crime in order to assess the progress of each country, in particular, for the evaluation of the acquis on chapters 23 and 24. So far, the reports were provided in Excel tables, which have been distributed and used as a model since 2015. To improve, optimize the existing format and facilitate the identification of trends, the European Commission Directorates have created and set up a new electronic reporting platform in English, e-Platform. It includes two main types of data: quantitative and qualitative.

The e-Platform aims to collect the data needed to assess progress and to understand the dynamics of national processes in the fight against high-level corruption. This information will be integrated annually into the European Commission's European Union Enlargement Report, highlighting Moldova's progress in reforming the legal system and strengthening the rule of law.

In line with the commitments made to the European Commission, by June 30, 2024, the responsible authorities of the Republic of Moldova have entered into the e-Platform about 1,140 cases, including 671 criminal cases.


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