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520 years since death of ruler Stefan cel Mare

20:26 | 02.07.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, July 2 /MOLDPRES/- Ruler Stefan cel Mare si Sfant was commemorated today in Drochia, 520 years after his death. President Maia Sandu laid flowers at his bust - the most appreciated and long-lived ruler of Moldova.

The official said "for Moldovans, the ruler's life is a page of glory in the country's history, which gives us an example of bravery in defense of freedom and faith of our people, a sign of unwavering courage in the face of the greatest challenges".

Today we mark the 520th anniversary of the passing into eternity of ruler Stefan cel Mare who reigned for 47 years, from 1457 to 1504, the longest reign of the medieval era in the Romanian lands. He fought over 40 wars or battles, most of them victorious, and built 44 monasteries and churches in Moldova, Transylvania and Mount Athos. For these merits, he was canonized by the Romanian Orthodox Church as Stefan cel Mare si Sfant in June 1992.

He died on July 2, 1504 and was buried at Putna Monastery.



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