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Moldovan agriculture ministry: grain imports likely to be licensed by late 2024

10:21 | 03.07.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, July 3 /MOLDPRES/- Grain imports could be licensed by late 2024. This conclusion was reached at Tuesday's meeting organized by the leadership of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry (MAIA) with the participation of a group of farmers, Farmers' Force association members. The parties discussed proposals and initiatives to prevent and solve the challenges in the grain production sector.

Deputy Prime Minister, MAIA head Vladimir Bolea said that the ministry has anticipated the needs of grain and oilseed producers, initiating legislative amendments to continue licensing measures on grain imports, after the June 26 deadline for the work of the licensing commission expired.

"We are in the process of amending the law, which will allow the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry to intervene whenever there is an imminent risk or need on the part of the state and farmers ," the official said.

The ministry said on July 1 that a draft has been registered with the parliament based on the proposals of the country's top agricultural authority, which stipulates that wheat, corn and sunflowers will be imported only under licenses by late 2024. The ministry's proposals are to be debated on July 4.

According to Customs Service data, since June 26, when the mandatory licensing period for grain imports expired, 22 tons of sunflowers have been imported into Moldova, a quantity that currently does not negatively affect the domestic market. At the same time, no imports of wheat and maize were recorded during this period.

On October 4, 2023, the Commission for Emergency Situations ordered to regulate the import of some agricultural commodities by authorization during the state of emergency. The necessity of introducing licensing for the import of wheat, maize and sunflower seeds was explained by the maintenance of the internal market for cereal products and a sustainable price. This was a way to promote local cereal production and support Moldovan farmers. The decision was seen as a necessary measure balancing the interests of local producers, consumers and the state, ensuring a functional and sustainable market for these products in the Republic of Moldova.








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