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Moldovan government improves work of National Institute of Justice

13:21 | 03.07.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, July 3 /MOLDPRES/- The activity of the National Institute of Justice (INJ) will be improved and its efficiency in the initial and continuous training of judges and prosecutors will increase. Cabinet of Ministers approved a decision to this effect today. According to the draft approved by the cabinet, contradictory provisions on the status of judges and the competences of the Superior Council of Magistracy (CSM) will be removed, according to the government press release.

The amendments concern some administrative aspects related to the INJ work and improve the regulatory framework. The INJ auditors - future prosecutors and judges will be included in the list of persons insured by the government.

The initial training of future magistrates is a key element in ensuring an independent and professional judiciary. The amendments will improve the functioning of the entire judicial system.


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