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Moldovan farmers to have easier access to state subsidies

13:32 | 03.07.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, July 3 /MOLDPRES/- Government proposes more favorable subsidy conditions for farmers. The cabinet has approved facilities on subsidization in agriculture and rural areas, according to the government press release.

Among the main changes are improved conditions for subsidy recipients under the "complementary payments", "advance payments", "post-investment payments" and "phased investment payments".

Other regulations include subsidizing support systems for vegetable growing and stimulating rural tourism through the development of agritourism and wine tourism. In the case of agritourism guesthouses, the subsidy will be eligible for tourism businesses with an accommodation capacity of up to 40 people.

The wine sector will be subsidized with 100 thousand lei/ha for the installation of modern support systems that will allow the mechanization of vineyard exploitation works and as a result, will increase the Moldovan wine products' quality. 

The draft also sees a decrease in the number of hours required for obtaining the training certificate as proof of agricultural skills by the administrator or employee from 48 to 40. At the same time, the deadline for post-investment subsidies for goods, services or works is extended from one to three years.


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