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Prime Minister attends graduation ceremony of Technical University of Moldova

11:26 | 04.07.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, July 4 /MOLDPRES/- About 1,800 students graduated on Wednesday from the Technical University of Moldova. Prime Minister Dorin Recean also attended the graduation ceremony, the government's communication department has reported.

The Prime Minister came up with a congratulatory message to the graduates and thanked them for their efforts. Recean also spoke about the contribution they can make to Moldova's development, in particular, on joining the European Union.

"You represent progress and you are our pride. I am sure that you will make an important contribution to the country's development, we are counting on you. There is no field of activity in the Republic of Moldova in which there is no substantial contribution of UTM graduates", he said.

The Technical University of Moldova was founded in 1964. It currently comprises 11 faculties. Among the best-known projects developed by UTM are Cybercor, Tekwill, Agrotek Arena and TUMnanoSAT, the first Moldovan satellite in space.






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